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The Story of a Mindful Business Name

Child Therapy & Developmental Intervention Last updated

Danielle Delorenzo, OTR/L is the creator of Mornings with an OT Mom. It is her dream to empower all individuals with the tools necessary to facilitate independence, maximize educational potential, foster positive overall development, and support optimal emotional regularity necessary to navigate through life. So, why the name Mornings with an OT Mom?

Danielle's son, Luke, playing intently and happily with kinetic sand.

Luke, Danielle's son playing with kinetic sand.

Mornings have always had a special place in my heart. We get to have a new morning daily! Each morning we are able to choose to be present, engage in activities and tasks, all to set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Regardless of what the vibes were for the previous morning, new intentions can be set for today, and again for tomorrow. Mornings are my opportunity to reset from the day before - set new daily intentions, and honor where the day will take me. 

My brain feels like it travels at light speed 24/7. If you know me well, you can absolutely attest to this! My two year old son, Luke, is also extremely active! Each morning we are able to focus his energy through mindful sensory and motor activities.

Mornings with a toddler have the ability to be challenging (especially when trying to maintain a positive flowing household). If you have a toddler, I would bet my last dollar you can relate. Like I said, Lukey is extremely hyperactive and on a terrible two rampage... with his last 2 molars coming in. Rampage and molars aside, Luke is a morning person. And by morning person I mean, he wakes up with the sun and takes off running (literally, RUNNING!) with a huge smile lighting his face. Through my sleep fogged brain I wonder why his first thoughts aren't the same as mine? "But first, coffee." A girl can dream.

I have been exploring different rotating activities intended to hold Luke's interest in the morning. This helps us set a positive vibe for the day, and I get to enjoy a cold iced coffee. We tried Kinetic sand for the first time (picture above) and it was a huge hit! There are so many amazing sensory and fine motor benefits from activities like this. A few benefits that fit Luke's specific sensory and fine motor needs are, tactile input, texture discrimination, additional input to hands to support gradation of hand movements, increases attention and focus, in-hand manipulation practice, bilateral integration, fine motor precision... the list goes on!

Have you thought about your child's list? It's all about finding activities that fit your individual child and their specific set of needs. When children (like adults) engage in meaningful activities their souls are nourished with peace, love and calmness. These are the tools that support overall developmental and positive mental health, which go hand in hand. Supporting this connection through mindful parenting can help children grow, develop, and acquire self-regulation skills to support lifelong learning.  

So, there you have it, Mornings with an OT Mom got its name from... Yes, you guessed it! From a mom striving to be conscious, engaged, and present with the goal of setting her son up for a positive future. Sending everyone good vibes to set positive intentions this morning, and every morning, for a day filled with mindfulness, exploration, peace and love.  

*Here are some of Mornings with an OT Mom and Elevated State of Play’s top 5 morning activities filled with sensory motor explosions of fun!*

Danielle sitting at a table reading with her two year old son, Luke.

Danielle engaging with Luke through reading