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A Doggy’s Guide to Redlands

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  • Written by: Scruffy A Doggy’s Guide to Redlands
  • Published:

Hello Redlands pups!

I’ve been living in Redlands for just over 5 years now, and I’ve been to many great neighborhoods and parks in our lovely city. I’m pleased to share my fave spots and dog-friendly businesses with you. My background: I’m a seven-year old female Terrier mix. I was born in the high desert and was adopted by my owner at the Redlands PetCo. I enjoy eating, walking, snacking, hiking, chasing lizards, munching on treats, snoozing, chasing bunnies, barking at cats, chewing bones, riding in the car, napping, chasing squirrels, and belly rubs . . . in no particular order. I hope you like my tips on things to do and eat in Redlands.

Genuine Dog Bones from Gerrard’s

I love Beggin’ Strips® as much as any dog, but sometimes it’s nice to chew on a real bone. The butchers at Gerrard’s serve them up! I’m on the small side, so I like the center cuts the best, but I’ve tackled the big bones too. If you can’t eat it all in one sitting, bury it in your backyard for a week or two. Just be careful where you dig. The obvious choice with hard Redlands clay is to find the softest soil, but beware if your owner recently planted flowers or vegetables. That can upset them. I know what you’re thinking. Why did they give me a big bone if they didn’t expect me to find an optimal spot to fully cure the bone’s meaty remnants? It’s one of the great mysteries of dog owners. Enjoy your bones!

Hiking in Crafton Hills

True story: I once found deer antlers in Crafton Hills! And it’s only a few miles from Redlands! I love this place. I’ve also seen coyotes (from a distance), hawks, ground squirrels, deer (with antlers still intact), cottontails, jackrabbits (my favorite), quail, and other critters. Trails start at Crafton Hills College, Oak Glen Road, Grape Ave. in Yucaipa, and Highway 38 in Mentone. They are maintained by members of the Crafton Hills Open Space Conservancy. Watch for rattlesnakes and make sure your owner packs plenty of water. Here I am at the top of Zanja Peak at 3,543 ft. elevation.